When were you first allowed to go to the local shop on your own or walk to school without a parent or carer?

Many of the young people that ICN looks after have faced high levels of vulnerability and trauma. Whether it be separation from family and friends, experiencing a new culture, or having witnessed scenes that no child should ever see.

Choolip’s story is typical to the experiences of children seeking asylum alone. Separated from his parents and caregivers, he was forced to flee his home country; all before he would have been old enough to get a driving licence in the UK.

Watch his story below.


UASCs sought asylum in the UK between September 2021 to August 2022


top nationalities for UASC applications were Afghanistan (22%), Iran (18%), Albania (14%), Sudan (11%), Eritrea (7%) and Iraq (6%).


of UASC applicants were male

Stats – credit: Home Office (2022) Immigration Statistics Year Ending September 2022 and UASC Briefing Paper 2023

ICN provide accommodation and support to between 12-16 UASC young people at a time, aged 16-24. We are currently supporting and have supported young people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, (including Kurdish young people from these 3 countries), Afghanistan, Sudan, Albania, Eritrea, Yemen, Egypt, China, and Vietnam. Our team’s purpose is to empower UASC young people to become positively integrated, independent and thrive in UK society.

We are contracted by local councils to help UASC young people under our support in several ways by;

  • Providing a variety of safe accommodations, including semi-independent placements, supported lodgings providers and a new arrivals house where we have an ICN Residential Support Worker living in the house and up to 4 young people living there at a time. If you would like to find out more about becoming a supported lodgings provider, click here; Provide accommodation for young people seeking asylum – ICN
  • Being contactable 24/7.
  • Registering and accompanying young people to all required appointments, including GP, dentist, opticians, mental health/counselling, solicitor and Home Office asylum interviews.
  • Supporting with independence skills, such as cooking, cleaning, self-care, and finance.
  • Helping to access education.
  • Promoting integration by helping young people access suitable clubs and groups. For example: Sports clubs, theatre, music etc.

In all of this we are walking alongside the young person while they are waiting for the Home Office decision to their asylum claim, which can take several years.

During holiday times we organise different activities for all UASC young people in the local area, not just those under our support. This can include residential stays, days out to different local towns, attractions and places of nature as well as educational sessions such as cooking, therapeutic art and music, sexual health, police talks about safety, drug awareness, mental wellbeing amongst many others. For the educational sessions we partner with local charities and organisations such as the KORU project, Nordoff Robbins and the Friendly Food Club.

For more information

Please contact Stephen Foster (UASC Manager) on 07838 223905 or email him at s.foster@icn.org.uk.



Are you able to offer accommodation?

Renting your property to ICN has many benefits.

Resettlement & integration

Having a home and a safe place to call your own is important. We have enabled hundreds of families and individuals to rebuild their lives in Dorset.


Advice & Support

Filling in forms can be complicated if you aren’t an expert or don’t speak English fluently. ICN provides practical advice and support to refugees and asylum seekers within our community.


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